Aqua Carbon Tk 8 4 is included with macOS releases 10 4through 10 14 and is also available from ActiveState.. 5 (prior to 8 5 13) and released by Apple starting with macOS 10 6and by ActiveState starting with their 8.. This variant is the standard nativemacOS variant in Tk 8 6 and as of Tk 8 5 13 Aqua Cocoa support wasbackported to Tk 8.. 5 9 As of 8 5 13, the Tk project no longer supportsCarbon builds of Tk 8 5 32-bit-only Python installers downloadablefrom this website for older Python releases were linked with Aqua CarbonTk 8.. 8 5,3 7 9,2 7 18all10 9 to10 15built-in8 6 8There are currently three major variants of Tk in common use on macOS:Aqua Cocoa TkA newer native implementation availableas a universal 64-bit and 32-bit binary.
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MMTK‑2 7 9‑cp27‑none‑winamd64 whl; MMTK‑2 7 9‑cp27‑none‑win32 whl.. Instead, install and use a newer version of Pythonfrom python org or a third-party distributor that supplies orlinks with a newer version of Tcl/Tk.. For best results, it is important that theproper release of Tcl/Tk is installed on your machine.. Python's integrated development environment,IDLE, and thetkinter GUI toolkitit uses, depend on the Tk GUI toolkit which isnot part of Python itself.. 5 9 1 release Aqua Carbon TkBecause it is implemented with older macOS Carbon interfaces, it isonly available as a 32-bit binary (usually for Intel and PowerPCprocessors). Msi Afterburner Software Free Download
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A built-in version of Tcl/Tk 8 6 will be used If you are using macOS 10 6 or later, the Apple-suppliedTcl/Tk 8.. At first, pillow was mainly based on MmLib: the Python Macromolecular Library Pymmlib‑1.. If you are using a Python from any current python orgPython installer for macOS (3.. 5 has serious bugs that can cause application crashes If you wish to use IDLE or Tkinter, do not use the Apple-suppliedPythons.. 2 1‑cp27‑none‑winamd64 whl; pymmlib‑1 2 1‑cp27‑none‑win32 whl; MMTK: the Molecular Modelling Toolkit, a library for molecular simulation applications. 0041d406d9 Kostenloser Download mp3 curanmor curahan perasaan dan Humor